In previous blogs we have talked about the average weekly wage. When dealing with workers’ compensation under the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (Longshore Act), the Defense Base Act, or even the Florida Workers’ Compensation Act, the average weekly wage is very important number.
Why is it important? Because if you are injured on the job, and you are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, the average weekly wage figures prominently into what your disability income will be while out on workers’ compensation. So, getting familiar with the average weekly wage number is something worth doing.
Of course, it is also immensely helpful if you could have a Longshore Act attorney in your corner to help you out. In that vein, you may want to consider calling us at RITE law at 904-500-7483 .
For decades we have helped injured workers fight for the compensation they deserve under the Longshore Act, the Defense Base Act , and the Florida Workers’ Compensation Act. The reason we started this firm is because we feel so strongly for injured workers who, all too often, get taken advantage of by profit-focused workers’ compensation insurance companies.
So, if you have been injured in a work-related accident and you want to make sure that you are getting the appropriate amount of disability benefits during your recovery, then we invite you to speak to one of our Longshore Act attorneys.
The average weekly wage is the figure that serves as the basis for how much workers’ compensation benefits you can receive on disability. Consequently, it is important to know what goes into the average weekly wage number, and to maximize that number as much as possible.
As you would expect, your actual salary or pay per hour will obviously be significant in determining your average weekly wage. However, there are some other types of compensation that fall under the average weekly wage calculation that may not initially come to mind.
Those other allowable types of compensation, however, should be considered because they may serve to increase your overall average weekly wage. A higher average weekly wage translates into higher workers’ compensation benefits – a good thing for you indeed.
Let’s take a little time to talk about those other types of compensation that make up part of the average weekly wage calculation, and what types of compensation may not fall under the average weekly wage. In short, let’s talk about “what’s in and what’s out” with regard to the average weekly wage.
As you can see, the calculation of your average weekly wage for purposes of workers’ compensation benefits is a little more involved than you may think. There are some types of compensation that you may not initially believe are considered “wages” for average weekly wage purposes, but should be part of the calculation.
If you have been injured at work, you should get the help of an experienced Longshore Act attorney . At RITE law, we understand the many different types of compensation that are included in the average weekly wage calculation. With that knowledge, we are able to help our clients maximize the average weekly wage number. In so doing, we ensure that our clients get the maximum benefit from workers’ compensation. Call us today so we can help you maximize that all-important average weekly wage number. We will give you a free case review when you call 904-500-7483 .
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